blessed epiphany

January 6 Did you mark the arrival of the wise men today? I’m so grateful they came 12 days after Jesus was born so that by honoring them and their commitment to a brilliant, crazy, life-changing, world-changing vision, I get to soak in the beauty of this season a little longer. I pray they brought

soul healing

November 1. Such an emotional and significant day for me. Last year on this day I woke up to a new destiny. Just a few days before I had drawn a line in the sand and gave up sugar (again). After a farewell tour of sorts, binge-eating non-foods and giving my sugar-addicted inner sweetheart whatever

no holding back

August 2016 Stop what you are doing and think about what you would do, if money nor time were an issue, that would EXCITE you. Don’t look back in fear or in analysis of your past, only forward to what you see yourself doing with a smile on your face and a song in your

at home in the contrast

April 2012         Dear God, I am looking all around me and my mind is full of images that don’t align. I see suffering and destruction on every corner – piles of debris, people seeking a connection – everything and everyone seems to be broken. The dust is thick and in the heat it is difficult

my winter

February 2011 This is my winter and my discontent. I am cold outside and in. My depression falls on me like an old wool blanket… …too itchy, too warm, too familiar. I want to move but I am overwhelmed. My brain lies dormant while my body hibernates. My soul is weary, but my spirit waits

I remember you

December 2017 I remember you… You’re the one who made the moon and the stars and the sun, set them all in the sky to guide me. You’re the one who tells the wind and the water to move, deeply refreshing and sometimes overwhelming me. You’re the one with the extravagant love, the amazing grace,

beautiful mess

November 2017 I am reminded of my vision back in 2008 of God hovering over me. Genesis 1:2 – he hovers over the surface of the void (the mess). At the time, I was mentally and spiritually climbing out of a pit of deep depression. The night of the vision, I had just climbed into

break my heart

November 2010 I’ve heard the words, “They don’t eat today.” As I’ve watched your children laugh and play. I’ve felt the loss Of a dying generation, Yet I’ve joined in their powerful praise and celebration. I’ve seen the suffering Of lepers, O Lord, And am humbled by their joy in knowing you more. I’ve stepped